Sex & Relationship Coaching
Professional Guidance and Advice Based On Real World Experience With Clear Strategies For Practicing and Perfecting Your New Skills and Expertise
Charm BodyWorks has helped thousands of couples and individuals learn more about Sex & Relationships through our private sessions where we not only talk about the challenges being faced by our clients but we provide specific guidance and advice on how to address these challenges. But we don’t stop there. We also provide clear strategies for taking what you learn and practicing and perfecting these skills through live training sessions.
Below are just a few of the things you can learn during our Sex & Relationships Coaching sessions:
- How To Overcome Your Fears and Become A More Confident Lover
- How To Learn More About Your Own Body and Desires And Learn How to Satisfy These Desires (with or without a partner)
- How To Entice Your Partner(s) to Want to Have Even More Sex With You
- How To Spice Up Your Current Relationship(s)
- How To Build New Relationship Agreements Between You And Your Partner(s) That Represent a Win-Win Proposition For Each Of You
- How To Let Go Of Your Old Limiting Beliefs That Are Keeping You From Experiencing A Truly Fulfilled Sex Life & Relationships
These are just a few of the topics we cover during these life-changing sessions. Each coaching session is tailored to meet your specific needs and desires.
Schedule Your Sex & Relationship Coaching Session Now!
Our Coaching Process

Our process is simple, straight-forward and designed to provide a safe, comfortable environment for all our Coaching sessions:
- Complete Our Private / Confidential Intake Form
Our private / confidential intake form provides an efficient way for you to describe to us (in your own words) the problem areas you would like to focus on in your Coaching session. We also ask for some basic information so we know how to match you with a Coach with specific expertise in the area(s) you are concerned about. All you have to do is fill out the intake form and submit it to us. Note: All information your provide is considered a matter of client confidentiality and none of your personal information will be disclosed to anyone other than your coach.
- Scheduling Your Coaching Session
Once you submit your Intake Form, you will be contacted via email by our Coaching Coordinator who will be your primary point of contact for your Coaching session. They will coordinate and communicate all of the details related to your session.
- About Our Coaches
Unlike traditional therapists or psychologists, our coaches are trained professionals who have years of hands-on experience helping thousands of couples and individuals with their most challenging Sex & Relationship issues. Our coaches have extensive experience both as Sex Workers as well as professional training in resolving common (as well as not-so common) issues with our clients. This is the type of coaching and training you simply won’t find anywhere else.
We have found that most of our clients issues can be resolved through basic education and training as well as through live practice sessions with real partners (either your partner or a surrogate partner). However, in extreme cases we may still recommend that you seek out counseling from licensed therapists or psychologist to address specific issues. However, we have found that most of our clients needs can be addressed and resolved through our hands-on approach to Sex & Relationship coaching.
- Paying For Your Coaching Session
When your Coaching Session is scheduled, you will also be provided with the fee associated with your session. This fee will be dependent on three factors:
(1) the duration of the Coaching session (normally 30- or 60-minute sessions),
(2) the location of the Coaching session (either online via video call, in person at our in-call suite or in-person at your designated out-call location), and
(3) the Coach you select for your session.
Please Note: The Fee for your Coaching session must be paid prior to the start of your coaching session. This payment can be made in advance (via credit card, Venmo, Zelle or CashApp) or can be paid in cash at the beginning of your session.
- Our Coaching Fees
Our Coaching Fees may vary from one coach to the next and are subject to change. However, our standard coaching fees are as follows:
30-Minute Coaching Session: $150
60-Minute Coaching Session: $300
These rates apply to Coaching Sessions which are conducted online (via video call) or in-person at or in-call suite in Dallas.
If you prefer an in-person coaching session at an out-call location (i.e. your personal residence, hotel suite or designated location) an additional $100 out-call fee will be added. This only applies to out-call destinations within a 30 mile radius of in-call suite in Dallas.
If your out-call destination is farther away, additional travel fees may apply.
- Further Details
Any further details related to your Coaching Session can be discussed with your Coaching Coordinator once they contact you.
This is a safe, open place for all of your Sex & Relationship Coaching needs. So, please feel free to discuss any specific needs you have with your Coaching Coordinator.
We look forward to creating a wonderful Coaching experience for you!
Always Inclusive

At Charm BodyWorks, we are truly a judgment free zone. We accept clients from all walks of life, all sexual preferences and all sexual identities. Regardless of how you swing… we just want you to swing yourself on over to us and let us solve your great challenges and fulfill your greatest desires.
Our providers have pretty much seen it all. So, there is absolutely no reason for you to feel uncomfortable or ashamed to be open and honest with us.
We truly want to create that environment where you can pursue any and all of your sensual fantasies.